The Despaignes in Saint- Domingue and Cuba: A micro-historical narrative of an Atlantic experience


  • Marial Iglesias Utset



Haiti, Cuba, slavery, emancipation, race


A family of French planters in Jérémie, in southern Saint-Domingue, whose world falls apart due to the revolution in Haiti, recreates the economy (material and moral) of the coffee plantation in the El Cobre Mountains, in Santiago de Cuba. Half a century later, the breakout of the Cuban wars of independence from Spain emancipated the numerous slaves from the plantation. Their citizen status, in the Cuban Republic of the 20th century, was put to the test as the 1912 uprising of the Independent Party of Color traumatically brought back the memory of Haiti to Cuba.


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How to Cite

Iglesias Utset, M. (2011). The Despaignes in Saint- Domingue and Cuba: A micro-historical narrative of an Atlantic experience. Revista De Indias, 71(251), 77–108.


