Armenian Merchants and Cross-Cultural Trade in Manila, c. 1660-1800


  • Alberto Baena Zapatero Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Xabier Lamikiz Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)



armenian merchants, foreigners in Manila, trade diaspora, cross-cultural trade, respondentia bonds, spanish colonial trade


This article analyses the presence in Manila of Armenian merchants from New Julfa, and aims to bring together Spanish primary sources and the rich historiography on the Julfan trade diaspora. Attracted by the silver arriving from Acapulco, Armenians played an important commercial role in the Philippines. We address their complicated relationship with the Spanish authorities, their participation in both inter-Asiatic and trans-Pacific exchanges, and their life experiences as told in their own words before the court of the Spanish Inquisition in Manila.


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How to Cite

Baena Zapatero, A., & Lamikiz, X. (2014). Armenian Merchants and Cross-Cultural Trade in Manila, c. 1660-1800. Revista De Indias, 74(262), 693–722.




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