Transforming Aliens: Naturalization Policies in North America. The United States and Mexico in the Nineteenth Century


  • Erika Pani El Colegio de México



Mexico, United States, naturalization, immigration, republicanism


This article explores, within a comparative framework, the evolution of naturalizaton law in two «new» North American countries, from independence to the early XX century, when the «Open Door Era» of immigration policy, which generally welcomed those coming from abroad, came to an end. It hopes to show how naturalization policies became spaces, on the one hand, for the expression of republican ideals of membership and, on the other, for the intervention of political authority –first at the state, then at the federal level– in order to regulate the political community.


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How to Cite

Pani, E. (2012). Transforming Aliens: Naturalization Policies in North America. The United States and Mexico in the Nineteenth Century. Revista De Indias, 72(255), 349–376.


