A perspective on the identity-building process in the Pre- Cortesian Toluca Valley in Mexico


  • Yoko Sugiura Yamamoto UNAM/IIA
  • César Villalobos Acosta UNAM/IIA
  • M.ª del Carmen Pérez UNAM/IIA
  • Elizabeth Zepeda UNAM/IIA




identity, Teotihuacan, Toluca Valley, Epi-Classic, Post-Classic


This paper explores identity as a long-term cultural process in which multiple factors intervene at different levels. It argues that both the hegemony and the decline of Teotihuacan influenced the development of collective identities in the Toluca valley, where the study of identity is of particular importance. An analysis of material culture in general, and archeological pottery in particular, enable us to examine the complex web that shaped identity.


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How to Cite

Sugiura Yamamoto, Y., Villalobos Acosta, C., Pérez, M. del C., & Zepeda, E. (2015). A perspective on the identity-building process in the Pre- Cortesian Toluca Valley in Mexico. Revista De Indias, 75(264), 289–322. https://doi.org/10.3989/revindias.2015.010


