ONLY A PART OF BLACK. Socio-racial values and political agency of “mixed-blood” elites in Jamaica, Venezuela, and the French Antilles, 18th and 19th centuries


  • Alejandro E. Gómez Université Lille 3



Caribbean, race, revolutions, equality, citizenship, mulattos


This essay compares the socio-racial prejudices and egalitarian aspirations of “mixedblood” elites of Jamaica, Venezuela , and the French Antilles . The aim is to show how these factors affected the political activities of the members of that sector, especially during the revolutionary period and the abolitionist era. We argue that their activities had contradictory consequences fostering both the perpetuation and the downfall of discriminatory regimes established during the colonial era.


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How to Cite

Gómez, A. E. (2015). ONLY A PART OF BLACK. Socio-racial values and political agency of “mixed-blood” elites in Jamaica, Venezuela, and the French Antilles, 18th and 19th centuries. Revista De Indias, 75(263), 65–92.


