Corruption and migratory management in post-revolutionary Mexico


  • Pablo Yankelevich Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia



Mexico, immigration, corruption, public service, 20th century


This work studies the nature, extension and significances of the corruption practices inside the Mexican Migration Service during the first decades of the 20th century. In a context in which the need to enter or exit the country was seen, both by Mexicans or foreigners, as an opportunity for illicit enrichment, the article reveals how corruption practices flourished under the increase of immigration regulations. The pervasiveness of these practices allows one to assess them as a consubstantial part of the political order as opposed to an issue of a moral character.


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How to Cite

Yankelevich, P. (2012). Corruption and migratory management in post-revolutionary Mexico. Revista De Indias, 72(255), 433–464.


