Museums, memory and anthropology on both sides of the Atlantic. Institutional crisis, nation building and the memory of colonization


  • Jesús Bustamante Instituto de Historia, CCHS-CSIC



Museums, memory, anthropology, colonization, nation building, patrimony, community, museological models


Museums of an anthropological nature, and/or those which refer to areas subjected to Western colonization, are currently undergoing a long crisis that is leading to a global renewal of the oldest institutions, the development of new museological models and the emergence of diverse critical and exhibition proposals. This affects anthropology as a scientific discipline but also has an increasingly significant effect on both history and the fine arts. This paper attempts to provide an overview of these developments based on a comparison of processes taking place on both sides of the Atlantic, and stressing the importance of Latin American cases because of their variety and originality, as well as the complexity of the socio-cultural situations with which they are associated.


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How to Cite

Bustamante, J. (2012). Museums, memory and anthropology on both sides of the Atlantic. Institutional crisis, nation building and the memory of colonization. Revista De Indias, 72(254), 15–34.




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