Juan Gutierrez Garibay. Life and wealth of a general of the trade circuit of the Indies in the second half of the 16th century


  • Pablo Emilio Pérez-Mallaína Universidad de Sevilla




Indies trade circuit, Fleets of the Indies, Generals and admirals, 16th century, 17th century


The nearly five hundred generals and admirals sent with the fleets of the Indies trade circuit continue to be, in their immense majority, perfect unknowns, even though they had under their responsibility the vital job of transporting millions of pesos across the Atlantic. That is why we present here a brief biography of one of the most important: Juan Gutierrez Garibay who occupies the fifth position among the commanders in terms of the number of convoys taken to the Indies. A self-made man, who started his career as a simple soldier, ended his life living surrounded by the luxuries of a gentleman.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Mallaína, P. E. (2010). Juan Gutierrez Garibay. Life and wealth of a general of the trade circuit of the Indies in the second half of the 16th century. Revista De Indias, 70(249), 319–344. https://doi.org/10.3989/revindias.2010.010


