Crossing borders. Reconsideration of the latin american character in the north of Rio Grande


  • María Jesús Criado Universidad Complutense de Madrid



International migration, Hispanic population, assimilation, cultural plurality, United States, Latin America


This paper describes the evolution and characteristics of the population of Hispanic origin living in the United States. Its evolution in the last decades and the main tendencies observed are analysed from official data and other secondary sources. This will enable to outline the prevailing profile of this varied group, their social position and the processes they are immersed in. The generated dynamics affect both poles (immigrants and their offspring and the American world) and aim to reconsider the Latin American character in this context.


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How to Cite

Criado, M. J. (2009). Crossing borders. Reconsideration of the latin american character in the north of Rio Grande. Revista De Indias, 69(245), 253–284.


