Customs, Merchants and Mércantile Nation: Trujillo, 1796-1836


  • José Antonio García Vera Universidad de Lima



Poses the problem of defining the term mercantile nation, using as sources the customs files from the Royal Administration of Alcabalas in the General Archive of the Nation, completed with data from prefectoral reports (1821-36) and from the notarial protocols in the Departmental Archive of La Libertad. The study shows that the existence of a national market originated in the extension of regional markets. The dominant commercial sector, after Independence, obtained a participation in national politics by becoming representatives. The change of direction in trade between 1819 and 1824 is parallelled by the displacement of land-owner merchants by professional merchants. The article offers a calculation of import and export trade figures, together with the comparison of different situations, persons and volurnes in successive historical moments.


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How to Cite

García Vera, J. A. (1988). Customs, Merchants and Mércantile Nation: Trujillo, 1796-1836. Revista De Indias, 48(182-183), 435–447.




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