Wars, Freedom and Citizens. Afro-Descendants of Esmeraldas during the Independence


  • Federica Morelli Universidad de Turin




colored free men, slaves, citizens, freedom, Esmeraldas


The article analyzes the role played by the crisis of the Spanish empire and the Spanish- American wars of independence in the transformation of the social and racial hierarchies during colonial times, as well as the configuration of new social rights. This study of the case of Esmeraldas, a region on the on the north-east border of Ecuador, aims to shed light upon the various mechanisms the Afro-descendants, both slaves and free men, used in order to obtain freedom and as the Monarchy fell. The strategies employed differed from those used by slaves and free men in other parts of Latin America due to the specific dynamics that are characteristic of border regions.


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How to Cite

Morelli, F. (2016). Wars, Freedom and Citizens. Afro-Descendants of Esmeraldas during the Independence. Revista De Indias, 76(266), 83–108. https://doi.org/10.3989/revindias.2016.003


