Distorting mirrors: Secret history or the horrors of Santo Domingo (1808), between fiction and history of Antilles


  • Loles González-Ripoll Instituto de Historia, CSIC




Saint Domingue, Mary Hassal/Leonora Sansay, Haitian revolution, Aaron Burr, Antilles, Cuba


This article is based on a text entitled Secret history published on 1808 in Philadelphia. There are thirty-two letters that describe the events witnessed by two ladies between 1802 and 1805 in the French colony of St Domingo, which became the Republic of Haiti in 1804 after a fierce revolution. The thirty-two letters are written by Leonora Sansay from the Caribbean (Saint Domingue, Cuba and Jamaica) to Aaron Burr in the United States. The author has been recently incorporated to the US literary canon.


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How to Cite

González-Ripoll, L. (2015). Distorting mirrors: Secret history or the horrors of Santo Domingo (1808), between fiction and history of Antilles. Revista De Indias, 75(263), 93–116. https://doi.org/10.3989/revindias.2015.005




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