Prohibiting miscegenation with the Chinese: «Amparo» petitions, Sonora, 1921-1935


  • Kif Augustine-Adams J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University



Mexico, Chinese, discrimination, Matrimonial Unions, Legal Processes


In the state of Sonora, Mexico, at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, the Chinese population faced vicious discrimination including Law 31. Promulgated by the state legislature in late 1923, Law 31 prohibited marriage and other intimate relations between Chinese men and Mexican women. Through amparo petitions in federal court, up to and including the Supreme Court of Mexico, Chinese Mexican couples challenged the discrimination inherent in Law 31. Chinese Mexican amparo petitions against Law 31 demonstrate both the challenges and possibilities that law provided to the disenfranchised in Mexico at the beginning of the Twentieth Century.


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How to Cite

Augustine-Adams, K. (2012). Prohibiting miscegenation with the Chinese: «Amparo» petitions, Sonora, 1921-1935. Revista De Indias, 72(255), 409–432.


