The Depopulation of Upper Amazonia in Colonial Times


  • Massimo Livi-Bacci University of Florence



Upper Amazonia, Mainas, Missions, Demography, Mobility, Population decline


In Upper Amazonia, after an initial disastrous penetration of Spanish colonists, the Jesuits began the task of evangelization in 1638. A network of Missions covered the territory and some statistics were collected. The indigenous demographic system was characterized by high mobility and high fragmentation of the various communities, as well as rapid turnover of the missions’ population. The Iberian intrusion increased the fragmentation, and many nations migrated away from the riverine areas (várzea) into the rainforest, with less favorable living conditions. This process may have pushed a number of communities under the threshold of minimum size for viability, thus accelerating the demographic collapse.


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How to Cite

Livi-Bacci, M. (2016). The Depopulation of Upper Amazonia in Colonial Times. Revista De Indias, 76(267), 419–448.


